Montag, 30. Juni 2014

Fight your belly fat

Losing belly fat, not an easy job to do. Of course we all want a nice belly when summer is knocking at the door. Because than it is obviously visible who has a flat belly and well who not.

9 out of 10 people also know that a big belly is not healthy and causes a lot of illnesses. It also increases the danger of diabetes. Researches also found out that losing belly fat helps to increase the freshness of your mind also. Sounds like a great extra benefit to me. Lose belly fat and get a more fresh and positive mindset, wow.

It is also more likely for people with a fat belly to get dementia. So one more reason to keep your belly flat.
But let´s be honest, most people want to get a flat belly or sixpack to look good. Not to increase their health in the first place. Well as long as they work towards a flat belly that is OK, because they will get the health benefits anyway.

But when is the belly to much? Researches from the Queen´s University in Belfast found out that for woman an abdominal girth of 80 centimeters is the limit and for men 94 centimeter.

So what is the best way now to lose belly fat? Well to tell you the truth chrunches alone won´t do the job. Sorry, but it is a myth that with chrunches you can strengthen the abdominal muscles but that alone will not do the job. The problem is that every person is different and you can not decide where you want to lose fat first and where you do not want to lose fat. That is just not possible.

Another myth is dinner cancelling. A lot of people go to bed with an empty stomach and hope to burn fat there over night. Sorry but it won´t work, it is very likely that you go to the fridge at night or you eat more calories the nex day. Not what you actually want, or?

It is recommended to do endurance sports like simming, biking, jogging at least 3 times a week and as I read in the Fit for Fun magazine a special kind of sit-ups should also help. You go in the normal sit-up position and go down til your nose almost touches the ground and this position you hold for a few seconds. Then you push up again. Repeat this exercise 5 til 20 times and you will see some results. And of course eating clean alsoe does the job...but you knew that already.

Samstag, 28. Juni 2014

Taekwondo or my own way of meditation

Meditation is of course a good way to inner peace but meditation does not always mean to sit still and think.
For me meditation is doing a poomse which is kind of shadow fighting in Taekwondo. I started Taekwondo about 14 yeas ago already. When I started it my main goal was to lose weight. Yes sounds strange, most people start it because they want to learn to defend themselves or they want to learn how to kick somebody. Well, my reasons were different. And I must admit in the beginning I was very frustrated because the resulst came very very slow.

Another frustrating part was that as a newbie you had to stand in frond and learn the basics and I mean literally basics like walking front or back in the right way and how to block correct. I was so close to give up if there had not been one part of it that always fascinated me. It was the greatest thing for me, and still is, when I see one of the trainers doing a master poomse. This looked like a kind of art or a great ice skater standing in the final of a tournament. So controlled, so alive but also so calm and peaceful. I guarantee you I only did not give up because I wanted to do this myself so badly that I said I have to keep going. So I went training 3 to 4 times a week, some days I trained even 3 hours in a row.

Of course the trainers noticed my growing passion for this sport. And also I was no longer a newbie. Finally I was allowed to learn the first students form of poomse but just that I had seen it so often by the other students doing it that I already knew it. Well I thought so, til the teacher came and showed me that my fist was to high and so on. But I enjoyed it, I felt like being an artist. When you run a poomse you just concentrate on yourself, focus on your inner flow. Nothing from the outside world can distract you. You just do one kick after a block or a punch. Well OK some facts firts: poomse is a fight against an invisible opponent. This is to learn kicks, punches and blocks. Evey poomse has its own movements that must be made correctly.

But to me this means much more. The harder the poomse the harder the challenge but also the greater the feeling when you can do it correct and also with your inner peace. When you manage a poomse with this inner peace when it becomes a kind of meditation to you than you have truly mastered it. That is why I 14 years later still love this sport. I still stick to it even when I have no time to train and I still love seeing somebody doing a great poomse that he or she mastered. This is something you can´t buy you have to earn it and I did.

Donnerstag, 26. Juni 2014

Cool sculpting....or freeze it baby

Hello again,

OK if there is an easy way to get rid of fat I am also in it like everybody else. But what is cool sculpting and does it really work?

Cool sculpting is a new method to get rid of fat without an operation or injection needed. They really just freeze the fat, hmm sounds strange or. Cool sculpting is a form that uses the cold part to damage the fat cells. I mean this damage is so hard that the body loses the fat cells literally. Sounds great so far.

To make sure that the doctors only get to the needes spots of the body they use a suction head and with this they manage to freeze the wished part of the body. This part of the body gets frozen for about an hour. Somehow this makes me think of Ice Age the movie...don´t know why.

Anyway this method seems to have no side effects, but it is meant for people who are not overweight.
All those who are overweight still have to lose weight. This is only for those who have a small belly they want to get rid of or some other part of the body that seems to heavy for them.

It takes between 6 to 8 weeks til the body wicks away the fat cells, seems long time or? And it is necessary that the person drinks 3 to 4 liters of water a day and takes no antiphlogistic medicine. Well now it des not sound that great anymore. I mean I go there freeze my belly and still have to wait 6 til 8 weeks til it is finally gone, why?

Oh and don´t forget the price. Prices start like € 600,00 for one part of the body. And to make sure it all goes away you need to go there 2 til 3 times. Not really cheap.

In that case....I better hit the gym and get rid of it in the old fashioned way.

Dienstag, 24. Juni 2014

Flexifit....or I pay only the time I really trained

Hello Ladies,

I must admit I like the gym and I have no problem of paying a fix amount every month because I know that I train enough to make it worth the money I pay.

But somehow I like the idea that is represented by "flexifit", they offer that at their partner studios you only pay for the time that you actually train in these gyms. Sound good for those who don´t hit the gym regularly.
In Vienna for example are 24 partner studios, like euroGYM, Fit Fabrik, Fitness-Club 39 and so on.
These clubs have their own prices they charge per minute for training, they start from € 0,07 per minute and you have 5 minutes free for training. This is an advantage for all those wo like I said before don´t hit the gym regularly (for me it would be a minus, already calculated it down...sigh).

But there is one other thing that I like, they offer outdoor activites also that one can attend. For example they have yoga on Tuesday in the 22nd district and one thing that I might try out soon is M. A. X. muscle activity excellence on Wednesday this is a high condition training that lasts 30 minutes. They also have TRX training or cattleballtraining on Saturdays. I mean this is really a good variety that they offer.

From there homepage you can also check for personal trainers, at the moment there are 90 trainers registered. So you should find the right one for your goals.

For registering you only need your phone numer, this is also necessary when you check in to the gym to track the time you have been training. You pay your training time at the end of the month and get the invoice send to your email-account. That easy, I am sure I will try one or two outdoor trainings out soon. Tell you later about them.

Sonntag, 22. Juni 2014

Get slim during your holiday....

Hello everybody,

did I miss out on a trend? I know that wellness is still trending and growing bigger and bigger and so is of course being fit.

But since when is it in to go on diet while you are on holiday or even special weight loss training camps?
Did I miss out on something? Of course I know that these things exist but I did not think that it would become some kind of new trend.

But as I checked some holiday offers today it seems to be in to learn how to eat healthy and get in shape during your holiday.

And it seems like Austria offers a huge variaty of this kind of holiday. I just recently saw an offer for a so called "Fit and vital week" where you do water gymnastic, walking, bike riding and have a health check also included in the price. But does that really work, I mean how big are the chances that you stay slim when you are back at work?

There you probably can´t do the water gymnastic every day in the morning. And also the right way of eating is easier when you are on holiday. And of course also to have your inner peace, as these packages often go under the commercial of "cleaning your body and mind".  Don´t get me wrong of course it is good when you do something for your body. But what is after the holiday, back to the usual routine, like a latte macciato to go for the way to work and fast food for lunch break? Well in that case you also could have spend your holiday at the beach!

Wouldn´t it be better to try to put some small changes in your everyday life and see how they work.
Take one step after another to a healther lifestyle than trying to clean your whole body whithin a week from all thes junks that you gave him in the last few years?

You could start with trying to skip the Macciato to go on your way to work and replace it with something healthier. If you don´t drink coffe to go, OK how about taking the steps instead of the lift?
How about making it a fix routine that you go for sport with your best friend 2 times a week? In that case you spend time with your friend and it is more likely that you really do sport and don´t skip training.

I know that this are only small changes but if you add one change after another you will be surprised how much healthier you life one year later. So focus on living healthier in your everday life than trying to get in shape in just one week. I wish you good luck and stay focused.

Samstag, 21. Juni 2014

Give it 100.....yeah

I guess you already heard about the "Give it 100" challenges, or? If not, well you missed out. Where have you been lately, hmm?

Give it 100 is a program where people do something (like sport or learn how to play an instrument) for 100 days. Every day they put a 10 seconds video online. This is not only about sport, it is also about beating your own inner weaker self and as you have to put it online it increases the chances that you keep doing it.

What I find good about this challenge is that all those people who do their challenge because they have to much weight and they want to lose some, chances are higher that even after the 100 days you stay focused on sport. Because after 3 months it becomes a habit, you got used to do sport. It´s like a daily routine now.
Me, well I already do sport but still decided, although I did not sign up, to do at least 30 push ups everday for the next 100 days. So far I am doing fine and sure to make my 100 days. My challenge is actually more to improve my push ups and of course also to get more defined arms. Would be great if after my 100 days I would be able to make push ups and clap my hands in between. If not, well than I invent a "Give it 200" challenge, for all those people where 100 days did not work out.

For all those who want to start their own 100 days, well here is the link. Get started!!

Donnerstag, 19. Juni 2014

Amazon Fashion Sale

Hallo mal wieder,

heute zur Abwechslung mal auf Deutsch. Immerhin bin ich ja eine waschechte Österreicherin.

Ich möchte nur alle Schnäppchenjägerinnen und Modefans unter uns auf den Aamazon-Sale (bis minus 30 %) aufmerksam machen. Für alle, die wie ich vom Angebot in Wien und der Labels etwas enttäuscht sind, wird sich hoffentlich hier was finden. Ich für meinen Teil war erstaunt als ich feststellte, dass Amazon Mode von Karen Millen (ich liebe diesen Stil einfach) verkauft. Wow, kann ich da nur sagen. Aber auch Desigual-Fans werden sich freuen, vor allem bei den Handtaschen sind viel Schnäppchen dabei.

Also Mädls auf geht´s zum Fashion-Sale bei Amazon.

Bis dann...

Wellness....or what you see ain´t always what you get

Hello again,

today I want to talk about one of the top trends of the last years WELLNESS.

When somebody offers a wellness-holiday there are actually no minimum requirements that need to be fulfilled. It is actually already enough to offer a healthy breakfast and have a sauna in the house to make commercial for it using the word wellness. And as wellness is still booming we have to get more careful about what offers we take. Also a lot of these small pensions try to make more money by using the word wellness, so they offer their healthy breakfast and have a sauna inside and it is already wellness. Ain´t that cute.

What we get ain´t always what we saw on the ad! And most of the times it is less than we expected!

Very often for example the offer also includes a fitness room and on the picture you see happy people training in a big nice and well equipped fitness room. So what do you see when you get there....very often a very small and very bad equipped fitness room and of course no happy people.That is because they bought the picture that they use for advertising. That means that they use a fake picture to make you feel like you want to spend your time there.

But it is even worse when it comes to beauty treatments in wellness offers. This concerns even the big wellness hotels and spas. They offer all kind of treatments that are like they say a must try out, you will get a fresh and beautiful looking skin. The reality is that those cosmetician are very often not well trained or not up to date. They are freelancers who use the reputation of the spa and therefore also charge you a higher price. It is almost normal nowadays that beauty treatments in a wellness hotel cost almost double price than at the local cosmetician. Why that?

I always go to my cosmetician in the 22nd district of Vienna (4myLuxus) even though I drive with car at least 30 minutes to get there. Yes, I know that there would be definately some cosmetician closer but I trust my Alex. I know that she is always up to date, she does not offer me a treatment just because it is IN at the moment. She offers what my skin needs most at the moment and her prices are very reasonable. When you hear her speaking about her job you know that she loves what she is doing. Lately she even started blogging herself about skincare. She also offers her customers a free service by informing them about the ingredients of the beauty products they bought somewhere. I was shocked when she told me what is in my cleanser (no I don´t use this product anymore).

So I don´t see any reason to get to a bad trained cosmetician at the spa where I pay a horrible price and maybe don´t even see a result. Let´s be honest most of them are not even interested in our skin. They only see us as their income. OK yes in one way we are, but although we are only walk-in customers because we are on our holiday, they should still pay interest in what our skin needs at the moment! I think I don´t need to mention that the situation with the massage offers are not much better.

So what I mean is take a close look at the offers and check the reviews. Don´t get trapped by great sounding wellness offers, OK. Oh and if you live in Vienna and look for a great cosmetician go to 4myLuxus.

Samstag, 14. Juni 2014

How to burn fat....or I want a great body

Hello again,

today I want to write about how to lose fat.

Well first, I am not going to tell you that there is an easy way to lose fat and get in shape because that would be a lie. And of course you know that already as I wrote in my article about cellulite there are a lot of crazy diets out there. So don´t get fooled by their promises because after the diet comes the yo yo effect.

So you better don´t even start a diet and actually with most of the diets you lose water and muscles. This is not what we want to lose. I for example want to lose fat and gain muscles. So you better focus on a healthy way of eating (yes that means less junk food and also less chocolate). With healthy eating I don´t mean that you should eat no sometimes it means even eating more but more nutrient-dense food that will keep you full a day. If you eat less your body will give out a signal that he is starving and respond to it by slowing your metabolic rate to keep his existing energy stores. If you continue with this food shortage, muscle tissue will start to burn. Which will give fat a great advantage in this fight. Your metabolism will continue to slow down and fat goes on to claim even more territory. Don´t let your enemy win!

Here are some facts that you should know to win this battle:

Know your basic metabolic rate
Yeah I am also not  a fan of calorie counting but it works. And it is a must that you know your basic metabolic rate so when you keep track of your eating you will know at the end of the day of you eat to much or not. But of course you still must focus on the right food. It is actually quite simple because if you want to lose weight you either eat less to be under your metabolic rate or you do more sport to get under it. Easy, or?

Eat more protein
The body needs protein to maintain lean muscle. For women who do resistance training it is recommended to get between 0,4 and 1 gram per pound of body weight.

Move your body
No No don´t worry I am not going to tell you to go running everyday for at least 1,5 hours (not yet). A study from the University of Missouri discovered that inactivity (4 hours or more)  causes a near shut- down of an enzyme that controls fat and cholesterol metabolism. To keep this enzyme active and increase your fat-burning, break up long periods of downtime by standing up—for example, while talking on the phone.

Drink water
I know we all know that we should drink enough water but still we don´t do it. Researches showed that if you drink 6 cups of COLD water can raise resting metabolism by about 50 calories daily. So now we start drinking COLD WATER.

Don´t skip breakfast
Having breakfast is a good way to jump-start your metabolism. Those people who skip breakfast are 4 times more likely to be obese. So eat your breakfast and it better be a healthy one.

Eat fiber
Studies showed that some fiber can fire up your fat burn by as much as 30 %. WOW! The goal should be at about 25 grams a day. So go for it!

Eat more vitamin D
Vitamin D is essentail for preserving muscle tissue. Sources for vitamin D are salmon, tuna and eggs.

Oh and of course do sports
Come on you knew that this would come or. I mean it has to be in the list. It is not really that important what sport but for only losing fat it is recommended to do endurance sports. But for those who just love the gym and the weights, well every muscle you gain burns extra calories. So go for it!

If you stay focused you can make it. It is also important to not start by saying that you will never ever eat chocolate or other sweets because that won´t work. It is OK to eat sweets from time to time if you follow these guidelines. 

So start getting your body in shape.

Donnerstag, 12. Juni 2014

Fashion...but with style please

Hello Ladies,

is it just me and a friend´s of mine thinking or does fashion, no matter what brand it is, just look alike.
Well it migh not be in every country but here in Austria, where I live, fashion is getting a really tiring problem.

Everything looks alike no matter if it is Esprit, S´Oliver, Mango or even brands like Gerry Weber it just looks the same. And what is even worse none of this is timeless fashion. The real classic can´t find them anymore. I really would like to have a classic looking skirt, but since more than two years now there is no way of finding it. This is a real frustrating thing.

But what happend to fashion in Austria? And since when does fashion look so unfashionable.

Not even a month ago I met with another friend for breakfast at Mariahilfer Straße and everybody who also lives in Vienna, Austria knows that Mariahilfer Straße and Kärntner Straße are the top streets to be when it comes to fashion. So we met there for breakfast and of course for a shopping tour but we both did not find anything. I mean we are at one of the two fashion spots in Vienna and we don not find anything, NOTHING!
I was so frustrated that I even bought myself a pair of boxing gloves just because they were half price.
Yes I do boxing, well Thaiboxing to be exact, but the point is that we both wanted to buy something that would make us feel WOW and we did not. We found nothing, not even something that we would say is OK.

So what is going on in Austria? And do the other women in Vienna also think so and if yes what do they do against the frustration or did they just give up and buy what the stores are offering. Well OK there is not much one can do about it. I mean ordering clothes online is a risk because you don´t know the quality and the conditon that they are in when they arrive. But I don´t want to look like eveybody else on the street I want to look like I feel like. I want to be able to live my own style and be able to find something that goes along with my style. Does that mean that I must make a shopping trip to London or anywhere else.
That can not be the solution or...I mean just go there to be able to find nice clothes. Although I must admit I am a fan of Karen Millen so London might be the city that would work for me.

On the other side there must be a good shop with nice timeless fashion in Vienna. Or maybe I should hire my own tailor, that might also be a solution but how much would that cost. And I still would find it a bit extreme to hire a tailor just because in Vienna is no way to get something special.

I stil ask myself when did this happen, when became Vienna so uninterested for timeless special clothes?
And since when is it in to look like everybody else?
Anybody who can give me an answer? I really would appreciate this.

Mittwoch, 11. Juni 2014

Cellulite....the battle continues

Well Ladies,

now that sommer knocked on the door we all want to get in summer shape quick and of course get rid of this very unpleasant thing called Cellulite.
Yeah I know I also hate to be reminded of Cellulite, but we all have it (if you say NO, well either you are a very very blessed woman or a liar it is that simple).

Cellulite is an aesthetic condition that comprises superficial fat accumulation, skin laxity, fluid retention, inflammation, fibrosis (connective tissue internal scarring) and toxin accumulation on the female thighs and hips. Yes, I know I also don´t want to know much information, or.

But what can we do to win this battle? How can we get a nice, smooth skin? How to get finally rid of Cellulite??

Well sorry to say this now, I know already that you will hate me but: "There´s no cure," says Neil Sadick, MD, a Manhattan dermatologist. Neil Sadick recently reviewed the science behind some of the most popular treatments. But there are new things out there that can really help.

OK at least there is hope out there. The battle is not lost is still on!!

But to be honest one of the true things that work is WEIGHT LOSS. Yeah OK I admit, that is a problem on it´s own. How many diets did we try and how stupid are they actually. I mean honestly there even exists a so called "cookie diet" where you are allowed to eat a cookie after every meal. So how small is the meal than?
Or how about one more crazy diet..the "sleeping beauty diet". OK, yes we all know that less sleep has a bad impact on our weight, so regular sleep is important. The solution is not to sedate yourself for days to make up for it. But that is exactly what this sort of diet reccomends...well OK you can´t eat when you sleep. 
So in this case would that not make sleeping pills a girl´s best friend??? Does not sound correct to me.

So, let´s come back to the subject. Gaining weight can add to your cellulite by making your fat cells bigger. More fat under the skin can make your legs look lumpier. Losing weight can reduce the look of cellulite, especially in women who have a lot of extra weight to lose. So losing weight is actually good, not only when we think of cellulite but also when it comes to summer and bikini outfits....hmm.

Second thing that might...but only might help are creams. Yes I already hear you moan and I can understand you. How many creams did we try already. All those commercials that influenced us to by this cream and this other cream with the hope of Cellulite being gone in only a few weeks. That hope was just a bubble and did not become a reality, well at least that was what I have experienced.
Also there has been a study by Johnson & Johnson that tested an unnamed anti-cellulite cream containing ingredients including caffeine and retinol. In this study the people had to take the cream twice a day. There was also a placebo cream involved. The results showed that those who took the real cream only had slightly better results than the one who took the placebo. So why are we actually buying all these expensive creams.
That makes me frustrated.

Oh and let us not forget about all the massages that promise to kill cellulite. They are really high in price but on the other side low in result. There also exists the possibility to just freeze the fat and remove also the cellulite. Sound OK if that really helps at a reasonable price but ... freeze my fat. That makes me think of an iglu.

Well and of course there still exists the possibility for surgery for all those out there with enough money.
But there must be a better and honest way to lose cellulite not just other fake promises. Of course eat clean, drink a lot of water and train hard are good options. I feel that there still should be some extra help, the so cold last push to win or at least really visibly reduce cellulite.