Losing belly fat, not an easy job to do. Of course we all want a nice belly when summer is knocking at the door. Because than it is obviously visible who has a flat belly and well who not.
9 out of 10 people also know that a big belly is not healthy and causes a lot of illnesses. It also increases the danger of diabetes. Researches also found out that losing belly fat helps to increase the freshness of your mind also. Sounds like a great extra benefit to me. Lose belly fat and get a more fresh and positive mindset, wow.
It is also more likely for people with a fat belly to get dementia. So one more reason to keep your belly flat.
But let´s be honest, most people want to get a flat belly or sixpack to look good. Not to increase their health in the first place. Well as long as they work towards a flat belly that is OK, because they will get the health benefits anyway.
But when is the belly to much? Researches from the Queen´s University in Belfast found out that for woman an abdominal girth of 80 centimeters is the limit and for men 94 centimeter.
So what is the best way now to lose belly fat? Well to tell you the truth chrunches alone won´t do the job. Sorry, but it is a myth that with chrunches you can strengthen the abdominal muscles but that alone will not do the job. The problem is that every person is different and you can not decide where you want to lose fat first and where you do not want to lose fat. That is just not possible.
Another myth is dinner cancelling. A lot of people go to bed with an empty stomach and hope to burn fat there over night. Sorry but it won´t work, it is very likely that you go to the fridge at night or you eat more calories the nex day. Not what you actually want, or?
It is recommended to do endurance sports like simming, biking, jogging at least 3 times a week and as I read in the Fit for Fun magazine a special kind of sit-ups should also help. You go in the normal sit-up position and go down til your nose almost touches the ground and this position you hold for a few seconds. Then you push up again. Repeat this exercise 5 til 20 times and you will see some results. And of course eating clean alsoe does the job...but you knew that already.
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