Donnerstag, 12. Juni 2014

Fashion...but with style please

Hello Ladies,

is it just me and a friend´s of mine thinking or does fashion, no matter what brand it is, just look alike.
Well it migh not be in every country but here in Austria, where I live, fashion is getting a really tiring problem.

Everything looks alike no matter if it is Esprit, S´Oliver, Mango or even brands like Gerry Weber it just looks the same. And what is even worse none of this is timeless fashion. The real classic can´t find them anymore. I really would like to have a classic looking skirt, but since more than two years now there is no way of finding it. This is a real frustrating thing.

But what happend to fashion in Austria? And since when does fashion look so unfashionable.

Not even a month ago I met with another friend for breakfast at Mariahilfer Straße and everybody who also lives in Vienna, Austria knows that Mariahilfer Straße and Kärntner Straße are the top streets to be when it comes to fashion. So we met there for breakfast and of course for a shopping tour but we both did not find anything. I mean we are at one of the two fashion spots in Vienna and we don not find anything, NOTHING!
I was so frustrated that I even bought myself a pair of boxing gloves just because they were half price.
Yes I do boxing, well Thaiboxing to be exact, but the point is that we both wanted to buy something that would make us feel WOW and we did not. We found nothing, not even something that we would say is OK.

So what is going on in Austria? And do the other women in Vienna also think so and if yes what do they do against the frustration or did they just give up and buy what the stores are offering. Well OK there is not much one can do about it. I mean ordering clothes online is a risk because you don´t know the quality and the conditon that they are in when they arrive. But I don´t want to look like eveybody else on the street I want to look like I feel like. I want to be able to live my own style and be able to find something that goes along with my style. Does that mean that I must make a shopping trip to London or anywhere else.
That can not be the solution or...I mean just go there to be able to find nice clothes. Although I must admit I am a fan of Karen Millen so London might be the city that would work for me.

On the other side there must be a good shop with nice timeless fashion in Vienna. Or maybe I should hire my own tailor, that might also be a solution but how much would that cost. And I still would find it a bit extreme to hire a tailor just because in Vienna is no way to get something special.

I stil ask myself when did this happen, when became Vienna so uninterested for timeless special clothes?
And since when is it in to look like everybody else?
Anybody who can give me an answer? I really would appreciate this.

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